Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
Develop, implement and model effective problem solving and critical thinking skills
Identify the consequences associated with one’s actions in order to make constructive choices
Evaluate personal, ethical, safety and civic impact of decisions
EU: Knowledge and personal experiences in the arts can be used to implement and model effective problem solving and critical thinking skills.
EU: Societal, cultural and historical exposure and analysis in the arts can be used as a conduit to implement and model effective problem solving and critical thinking skills.
EU: How artists synthesize their knowledege (personal, societal, cultural, ethical, and historical) has social impact.
EQ: How does engagement in, and the analysis of, the arts develop problem solving and critical thinking skills?
EQ: How does engagement in the arts help identify consequences and the impact of decisions associated with one’s actions in order to make constructive decisions?
EQ: How can artists make art based on knowledege (personal, societal, cultural, ethical, and historical) to impact their social context?